answers  0
views  31K
votes  4

[Snippet] How to Encrypt and Decrypt a string in C#  

Here is a code snippet to help you encrypt and decrypt a string in C#. The key is hardcoded, but in your own project you may want to read it from a secure store, or perhaps a config file or environmen ...
Apr 03, 2016
Sacchidananda Murthy
{ 63.9K - 6522 - 5 }
answers  1
views  648
votes  3

[Question] Horizontally centering a <div> inside another <div>  

How do I center a <div> inside another <div>? I have a page with a 100% <div> taking up the entire width of the page. Then another fixed width <div> which needs to be centered horizontally. Here is ...
Apr 02, 2016
Adrian Dixon
{ 65 - 1 - 0 }
answers  2
views  1.4K
votes  3

[Question] How to add a new column, with a default value, to an existing table in SQL Server  

How do I add a column to an existing table in a SQL Server database? In my scenario I am adding a column of type int with a default value of 0.
May 14, 2016
Dylan Barlow
{ 2,585 - 505 - 0 }
answers  1
views  532
votes  1

[Question] Server Side Rendering in JavaScript?  

My question is simple. What is server-side rendering and how does it differ from client-side rendered web apps? In this context, I often come across with the term Universal. What is this?
Apr 07, 2016
Raman Dhingra
{ 80 - 2 - 0 }
answers  0
views  517
votes  1

[Article] Serialization in .NET - Part 1  

Serialization Serialization is the technique used by the .NET runtime. The runtime serialization functionality resides in the System.Runtime.Serialization namespace. It involves converting all of the ...
Apr 08, 2016
Karif Aziz
{ 220 - 5 - 0 }
answers  0
views  1K
votes  1

[Article] Serialization in .NET - Part 2  

This article is in continuation to this post Serialization in .NET Part 1 Serializable attribute This attribute is applied to a class. It is used to mark the class as serializable. It indicates to t ...
Apr 08, 2016
Karif Aziz
{ 220 - 5 - 0 }
answers  1  
views  314
votes  1

[Question] How do I get the directory of the executing console application?  

I need to process a bunch of files from a console application. How how do I get the folder of the executing console application so as to locate the files? Tried the following code but to no avail: Ass ...
Apr 08, 2016
Sudarshan Singh
{ 92 - 1 - 0 }
answers  1
views  948
votes  1

[Question] How do I escape a double quote in a verbatim string literal?  

Is there is a way to escape embedded double quotes in a verbatim string in C#? I have a lengthy string literal that wraps several lines. Escaping the quotes with a back-slash \ (at the bottom) does no ...
Apr 08, 2016
Amita Mhari
{ 55 - 1 - 0 }
answers  1
views  7.5K
votes  1

[Question] Reading appsettings.json in a .NET Core console application  

I am using .NET Core to build a simple console application. However, I am stuck by not being able to read a few settings from an appsettings.json file. How do I go about doing this? From what I u ...
Apr 08, 2016
Obrad Józef
{ 76.3K - 7911 - 6 }
answers  0
views  839
votes  1

[Article] Serialization in .NET - Part 4  

This article is in continuation to this post : Serialization in .NET Part 3 Custom Serialization ISerializable interface Sometimes simple annotation doesn't meet our requirements. Implementing the ISe ...
Apr 13, 2016
Karif Aziz
{ 220 - 5 - 0 }
answers  3
views  1K
votes  1

[Question] Difference between jQuery and Angular  

I am a big fan of jQuery and it was everywhere a few years back. I am finding it very difficult to digest the trends indicating the decline of the jQuery and the rise of Angular in the JavaScript comm ...
Apr 15, 2016
Cameron Carpenter
{ 195 - 29 - 0 }
answers  1  
views  2.5K
votes  1

[Question] Visual Studio 2015 F10 Debugger key not working  

I just installed VS 2015 Update 2 and now my F10 Debugger key is not working. It looks like it is mapped to F5 (continue) because the debugger stops at the correct breakbpoint but then F10 continues e ...
Apr 02, 2016
Guus Wiersma
{ 12.3K - 2448 - 3 }
answers  0
views  503
votes  1

[Question] When to use 'ref' and 'out' keywords - specifically with strings?  

Generally, I understand the difference between passing parameters by value and by reference. I also somewhat understand the difference between ref and out keywords. A ref variable is passed by refere ...
Apr 02, 2016
Sabri 'Afif Safar
{ 55 - 1 - 0 }
answers  1
views  836
votes  1

[Question] How to get the name of an element with jQuery  

I am just getting to know jQuery. How do I get the 'name' of an element in an Html page?
Apr 22, 2016
Rishi Cherian
{ 55 - 1 - 0 }
answers  0
views  806
votes  1

[Article] Reflection in .NET - Part 1  

Introduction to Reflection In general, the reflection refers to the ability of a running C# program to inspect data about itself and manipulate accordingly. It is a powerful tool that lets you read wh ...
Apr 19, 2016
Hisham Dalal
{ 100 - 1 - 0 }
162  posts
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When to use 'ref' and 'out' keywords - specifically with strings?
Visual Studio 2015 F10 Debugger key not working
Horizontally centering a <div> inside another <div>
How to Encrypt and Decrypt a string in C#
Server Side Rendering in JavaScript?
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