Tagged: c#

answers  1  
views  314
votes  0

[Question] When to use an interface versus an abstract class  

At a recent interview I was asked about the difference between an interface vs and an abstract class and when to use which one. I answered that that interfaces do not have any implementation whereas a ...
May 09, 2016
Elishama Holstein
{ 52 - 1 - 0 }
answers  0
views  215
votes  0

[Question] Reading and writing Cookies in ASP.NET Core  

In ASP.NET Core the web.config file is gone. Instead we use project.json, which is fine. One of the things we used to do in web.config is configuring all cookies to be HttpOnly and -- in some cases -- ...
Apr 22, 2016
Chris Harris
{ 50 - 1 - 0 }
answers  0
views  172
votes  0

[Question] Calling Asynchronous method from a Synchronous method  

In our application we are forced to call an Asynchronous method from a Synchronous method. The reason is that we are using a 3rd party package that only provides async methods in certain cases. My u ...
Apr 21, 2016
Jibril Church
{ 50 - 1 - 0 }
answers  0
views  244
votes  0

[Question] Custom Taghelpers: Getting the Content or InnerHtml out of the current tag?  

I am creating a custom TagHelper. A simplified version looks like this: <display>Harry Potter</display> I can build a replacement tag and all its attributes, but how do I get the content out of th ...
Apr 21, 2016
Kevin Snyder
{ 85 - 1 - 0 }
answers  0
views  952
votes  0

[Article] Overriding the Equals() and GetHashCode() methods in C# - Part 2  

This is in continuation to Overriding the Equals() and GetHashCode() methods in C# - Part 1 System.Object.GetHashCode() virtual method This method returns a number for an object that assigned by the . ...
Apr 21, 2016
Gaime Sullivan
{ 1,755 - 342 - 0 }
answers  0
views  1.1K
votes  0

[Article] Overriding the Equals() and GetHashCode() methods in C# - Part 1  

System.Object.Equals() virtual method The Equals() is a virtual method defined in the System.Object class. Since every class is implicitly derived from Object, it provides the Equals() method. publi ...
Apr 21, 2016
Gaime Sullivan
{ 1,755 - 342 - 0 }
answers  0
views  216
votes  0

[Question] What is better: place the using directives inside a namespace or outside?  

Most C# developers place their using directives outside the namespace, i.e. at the top of the file just before the namespace declaration, like so: using System; using System.IO; namespace MyProjec ...
Apr 21, 2016
Neelambar Mitra
{ 50 - 1 - 0 }
answers  1  
views  3.1K
votes  0

[Question] ASP.NET Core: setting Viewbag value in the OnActionExecuting method  

In ASP.NET Core (RC1) I am setting a ViewBag value in the OnActionExecuting method in a custom ActionFilter. This is the code: public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterCon ...
Apr 20, 2016
Jim Slater
{ 17.6K - 2726 - 3 }
answers  1  
views  468
votes  0

[Question] Best Regular Expression to Validate Modern Emails in C#  

I need the best regular expression for validating emails. They must support country extensions, like .ca,, tw, etc. And they must allow for new extensions, like .club, .online, .social, etc. ...
Apr 17, 2016
Hans Otto
{ 52 - 1 - 0 }
answers  0
views  562
votes  0

[Question] Fastest way to serialize a POCO to JSON and deserialize JSON to a POCO  

What is the fastest way to serialized a POCO object to a JSON string and deserialize a JSON string back to a POCO object? I have seen several libraries and implementations, but what counts for us is s ...
Apr 13, 2016
Klaus Wörner
{ 50 - 1 - 0 }
answers  1  
views  294
votes  1

[Question] How do I get the directory of the executing console application?  

I need to process a bunch of files from a console application. How how do I get the folder of the executing console application so as to locate the files? Tried the following code but to no avail: Ass ...
Apr 08, 2016
Sudarshan Singh
{ 92 - 1 - 0 }
answers  0
views  343
votes  0

[Snippet] Writing an exception to a txt file in C#  

For a small text project I wanted to write an exception to a reusable text file. Each new exception should override the prior one. So, the file should hold just the last exception at any point in time ...
Apr 08, 2016
Dimitrios Mihail
{ 60 - 1 - 0 }
answers  1
views  7.5K
votes  1

[Question] Reading appsettings.json in a .NET Core console application  

I am using .NET Core to build a simple console application. However, I am stuck by not being able to read a few settings from an appsettings.json file. How do I go about doing this? From what I u ...
Apr 08, 2016
Obrad Józef
{ 74.6K - 7740 - 5 }
answers  1
views  925
votes  1

[Question] How do I escape a double quote in a verbatim string literal?  

Is there is a way to escape embedded double quotes in a verbatim string in C#? I have a lengthy string literal that wraps several lines. Escaping the quotes with a back-slash \ (at the bottom) does no ...
Apr 08, 2016
Amita Mhari
{ 55 - 1 - 0 }
answers  0
views  789
votes  3

[Question] How to pass a parameter to a SQL IN clause with C#, SQL Server  

My database has two tables that have master-child relationship. They are School and Student. Each school can have any number of students. A user has selected a number of schools. Next, they want to ...
Apr 07, 2016
Cheng Cao
{ 64 - 1 - 0 }
27  posts
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