Tagged: visual-studio

answers  0
views  359
votes  0

[Question] How to change the default authors name in project.json in Visual Studio 2015?  

I would like to change the default name of the Author in project.json. It shows my personal name (Noah) but we would like the company name. Here is the relevant snippet: { "version": "1.0.0-*", "d ...
Apr 06, 2016
Noah Anderson
{ 50 - 1 - 0 }
answers  0
views  174
votes  0

[Question] Gulp or Grunt. Which is the preferred task runner for Visual Studio 2015?  

I am new to Visual Studio 2015. What is the best taskrunner for Visual Studio 2015? Gulp or Grunt. What are the strong points and weak points of each one?
Apr 04, 2016
Gallagher Alban
{ 60 - 1 - 0 }
answers  1  
views  2.5K
votes  1

[Question] Visual Studio 2015 F10 Debugger key not working  

I just installed VS 2015 Update 2 and now my F10 Debugger key is not working. It looks like it is mapped to F5 (continue) because the debugger stops at the correct breakbpoint but then F10 continues e ...
Apr 02, 2016
Guus Wiersma
{ 12.7K - 2510 - 3 }
3  posts
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