How to win awards
  • Users who show exemplary commitment to the Curlybrackets community are recognized with awards
  • Awards provide us an opportunity to say thank you to independent community leaders
  • Awards include .NET, JS, and SQL Design Pattern Framework products by
  • Each time you cross a reputation level you'll be granted a license to one of the listed products of your choice.
  • Below is a table with reputation levels and associated products

Reputation Level Product Awarded Value
Level 1  Reputation 3K C# or VB or JavaScript Design Pattern Framework - 1 user license $ 79
Level 2  Reputation 6K C# or VB or JavaScript Design Pattern Framework - 1 user license $ 79
Level 3  Reputation 10K PRO C# or PRO VB or PRO SQL Design Pattern Framework- 1 user license $ 279
Level 4  Reputation 20K PRO C# or PRO VB or PRO SQL Design Pattern Framework - 1 user license $ 279
Level 5  Reputation 50K Curlybrackets Regular Software Pack, 1 site, 3 developers $ 6,000
Level 6  Reputation 75K Curlybrackets Enterprise Software Pack, 3 sites, 10 developers $ 12,000
Level 7  Reputation 100K Curlybrackets Ultimate Software Pack, 10 sites, 20 developers $ 18,000

  • Recipients of awards are automatically elevated to MVP status
  • For more details on the different products. please visit

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